According to research, about 160 million people in the United States — or approximately half of the population — are overweight or obese. Worldwide, the U.S. ranks first when it comes to the total number of obese individuals.
Obesity is a known risk factor for numerous chronic diseases, from heart disease to diabetes and cancer.
At times, the difference between what you weigh and what you want to weigh can seem overwhelming. You’re not alone in your frustration. America is in need of a lifestyle change.
Did you know that ...
By losing just 10 pounds, you can prevent deadly illness, alleviate daily pain, and improve your quality of life.
Health Benefits of Slimming Down include but are not limited to:
Gained confidence - Many people who are either obese or overweight have typically low self-esteem and confidence because other people make fun of them. Losing weight will help them to gain the much-needed confidence that they lack.

Social benefits - Human beings are social beings, and it is important for us to subscribe to the standards of the society. Slimming down helps to easily interact with other members of the community without having fear of being rejected or being looked down upon.

Improved memory - Losing weight actually alters how our brain works, leading to better memory performance. According to research, being overweight is linked to memory and concentration problems.

Lower Risk of Cancer - Researchers propose that changes in the body that occur as a result of weight loss, indeed, reduce cancer risk. Overweight or obese people who intentionally lose weight have reduced levels of certain hormones that are related to cancer risks, such as insulin, estrogens, and androgens.

Increased energy level - Carrying extra weight requires the body to use a lot of energy. When we lose weight our energy levels skyrocket. While we’re lugging around less weight, our body uses less energy to keep us alive. Slimming down has also been shown to improve oxygen efficiency, so we likely won’t get as winded going up the stairs or performing the exercise.

Stress relief - If we checked off losing weight from our to-do list, we’ve already got one less thing to stress about. Foods with a high fat, sugar, and salt content – especially processed carbs – can trigger high levels of cortisol aka. the stress hormone. The things we do to lose weight—eating a balanced diet, exercising consistently, getting vitamins, mineral, amino acids, and getting lots of sleep—are some of the greatest ways to alleviate stress and anxiety.

Reverse type 2 diabetes - Type 2 diabetes and obesity are two conditions that are closely tied to one another, and obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes. For this reason, it is not surprising that slimming down can increase insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes, potentially putting the disease in remission if the loss is sustained

Improved sleep - Research shows that losing even 5% of the body weight can help us sleep better and longer throughout the night. What’s more, ridding the body of excess fat can also help alleviate sleep apnea and snoring.

Improved hormonal balance - Our thyroid gland makes and releases two very important hormones that regulate our metabolism and affect muscle strength among other things. When we liberate our body of excess fat our hormones production becomes steady which makes easier for us to maintain or even further our weight loss.

Improved sex drive - According to researchers, weight loss has been linked to boosted testosterone levels and an increased libido. Dropping just 10 lbs is enough to stimulate sex hormones. Moreover, working-out every morning increases blood flow to the pelvic area, further boosting sex drive.

Improved mood - Good nutrition and work out release feel-good chemicals called endorphins. They interact with the receptors in the brain, reducing our perception of pain, and deliver a positive feeling in the body similar to that of morphine.

Less joint pain - our joints already take a beating from everyday wear and tear and extra weight hanging around on our midsection only makes matters worse. In other words, the less we weigh the less our skeletal frame and joints have to support, which translates into less joint pain due less stress and inflammation.

Less sweating - When we are overweight, we’re essentially wearing a weighted vest in a hot room 24/7—which is no easy feat. Fat insulates the body and raises core temperature. For this reason obese individuals tend to sweat more than their slimmer counterparts. After slimming down hugging people gets less embarrassing because the body sweats a whole lot less when it’s carrying less weight.

Less money to spend - Those who clock in at a healthy weight spend 42 percent less cash on medical bills and health expenses than their overweight peers.

Glowing skin and healthy hair - We may have started our healthy routine with the sole intention of slimming down, but an added bonus of our weight-loss journey surfaces in the form of glowing skin and healthy hair. High sugar foods and simple carbs put the kidneys and the liver through a lot of stress. Slimming down takes a lot of pressure off the body’s filtration system which means glowing skin and healthier hair.

Rejuvii offers weight loss drips and injections which consist of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids required to lose weight naturally and stay healthy.
Seek a Consultation to Get Started
If you have any further questions about the benefits of slimming down, don’t hesitate to book an appointment at Rejuvii.
Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and get all the facts about our drips and injections!
