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When we hear “vitamin D” we think of exposure to the sun. This is an accurate correlation, as vitamin D is produced in our skin in response to sunlight. However, if we live in non-equatorial latitudes, the sun may not be strong enough to produce vitamin D for about half of the year. In fact, as many as one billion people worldwide are estimated to be vitamin D-deficient. Sustained levels of vitamin D deficiency can result in brittle bones, bone pain, as well as muscle pain and weakness.

So, why do we need vitamin D? The easy answer is for our muscles and bones. Vitamin D facilitates absorption of calcium and phosphate, which are needed for bone growth.

In addition to bone health, vitamin D is also needed for the normal development and growth of muscle fibers — the thousands of muscle cells that are tightly wrapped together to form our muscles. Having inadequate levels of vitamin D in the body can lead to muscle weakness and pain.

Research has shown that having higher serum levels of vitamin D is associated with a lower cancer incidence.

Multiple studies found that higher serum vitamin D levels were associated with statistically significant, substantially lower risk of colorectal cancer among men and women, and a lower risk for ovarian cancer in females.

A growing number of studies found that vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for heart attacks , congestive heart failure, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), strokes, and the conditions associated with cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure.

Those studies discovered that low vitamin D was to blame when high blood pressure worsened during the winter or in low sunlight environments. Considering the fact that the blood vessels and the heart contain countless vitamin D receptors, it makes perfect sense that the sunshine vitamin helps in the regulation of all those areas.

In individuals who struggle with insulin imbalance, and weight gain, vitamin D deficiency is often looked to as the culprit.

Multiple studies revealed a correlation between an influx of societal obesity and vitamin D deficiency.

There are many scientific studies and clinical trials claiming that vitamin D plays an important role in improving the sensitivity of insulin, which is a hormone required for maintaining blood glucose levels. Vitamin D3 stimulates the pancreas and triggers the process to make insulin. This is key for managing blood sugar levels more effectively and can help diabetics better control the disease.

Researchers found that low vitamin D levels were associated with an increased risk for hyperglycemia — or uncontrolled high blood sugar — in both people who did and did not have diabetes.

The sun can brighten up our mood, and so can vitamin D. Recently, vitamin D has been reported in the scientific and lay press as an important factor that may have significant health benefits in the prevention and the treatment of many chronic illnesses including mental disorders.

Studies showed - the lower the Vitamin D level, the greater the chance of depression - which leads to the conclusion that effective detection and treatment of inadequate vitamin D levels in persons with depression and other mental disorders may be an easy and cost-effective therapy which could improve patients’ long-term health outcomes as well as their quality of life.

A healthy vitamin D status seems to go hand-in-hand with a healthy gut. Multiple studies found a link between sub-optimal vitamin D, gut microbiome status, gut inflammation, and diseases of the gut like IBD and colon cancer.

It is found that vitamin D supplementation increases the overall diversity of the gut microbiota, and in particular increases the relative abundance of Bacteroidetes and decreases the relative abundance of Firmicutes. This is extremely important due to the fact that prevalence of Firmicutes is associated with obesity and many chronic gastro-intestinal disorders.

The immune system protects us from infections and illnesses. Vitamin D can naturally boost it by providing energy to immune cells, so they work more efficiently. In fact, immune cells have a particular receptor just for Vitamin D.

Rheumatoid Arthritis occurs when the immune system attacks the joint linings. It is a painful condition that can affect the hands, wrists, or knees. Vitamin D was found to help relieve the inflammatory symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Our brain creates active neural connections thanks to Vitamin D. This keeps our mind sharp and alert. In order to minimize risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or other cognitive brain disorders, we should keep our vitamin D at the optimal level.

Rejuvii offers vitamin D as an intramuscular(IM) injection.

Give us a call for a consultation about the benefits of vitamin D therapy.

Learn more about us here, and book an appointment +1-224-272-3747

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